How To Make Notion Aesthetic

How To Make Notion Aesthetic

Dec 9, 2023

acBook displaying a well-organized Notion dashboard with an aesthetic interface, highlighting productivity tools, habit trackers, and a calendar to enhance work efficiency and organization

When it comes to enhancing your productivity and organizing your life, Notion is a powerful tool. But why stop at functionality? Aesthetics play a crucial role in maintaining motivation and clarity. An appealing and well-organized interface can boost your mood and productivity, making it easier to navigate and enjoy your daily tasks. Below, we explore various tools and services that bring both functionality and beauty to your Notion experience, from customizable widgets and unique covers to advanced form management. These tools not only streamline your workflow but also add a touch of personal style to your digital space.

Many of the widgets below can be found in the Life Planner template


Service offering a range of customizable widgets for Notion, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics. Examples include widgets for tracking habits, weather updates, and Google Calendar integration. These user-friendly tools are designed to improve the overall Notion experience, making documents more interactive and visually appealing. For more detailed information and a full list of widget offerings, visit Indify's website.


These widgets are customizable and lightweight, aimed at improving the functionality and visual appeal of Notion pages. Examples include a Pomodoro timer, recurring tasks, upvote and like buttons, weather updates, to-do lists, inspirational quotes, and various charting tools. For more detailed information and a full list of offerings, visit Notion Widgets.


ChartBase is a tool that allows users to create and embed charts from Notion databases effortlessly, without any coding required. It offers intuitive use, automatic data updates, and private settings for sharing charts confidently. Users can customize their charts with various types, branding, and color schemes, and share or export them easily. For more details, visit ChartBase.


The tool for tracking time, habits, and goals, suggesting it might offer features to help users manage their time more effectively, keep track of their habits, and set and achieve personal or professional goals. For more information, you can visit Kairo's website once it is accessible.


WidgetBox allows users to create their own custom widgets and then embed them into Notion templates. This feature enhances the functionality and personalization of Notion, allowing users to tailor their templates to their specific needs and preferences with unique widgets.

Service for creating custom widgets specifically for Notion. It offers a user-friendly platform to build and integrate various widgets into Notion templates, enhancing their functionality and personalization.


Designed to enhance productivity by employing the Pomodoro technique. This method involves working in focused intervals, typically 25 minutes, followed by short breaks. The aesthetic aspect of the timer likely refers to a user-friendly and visually attractive interface, which can make the study or work process more enjoyable.

All your productivity tools in one place. Habit tracker, Pomodoros, water tracker apps and so much to come.

Notion covers

Notion Covers provides a collection of custom covers designed for Notion pages, enhancing the visual appeal of personal or professional workspaces.

Notion sparkles

SparkleForms is a headless solution for form management. A bridge between your forms and your Notion tables. With a lot of sparkles along the way.